Download Mi_Thumb
Firstly download the two file required for Mi_Thumb, these are the jQuery file and the CSS stylesheet. These files are in the zip file
Include Mi_Thumb files in your html code
These two files should be added to your html code as shown below.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/mi_thumb_2.css">
<script src="path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/mi_thumb_min_2.js"></script>
Add Mi_Thumb HTML code
The HTML code has the following format. The only changes are the number of 'mi_pane' elements in each slideshow.
<div class="mi_thumb">
<div class="mi_wrap">
<div class="mi_cont">
<div class="mi_pane"></div>
<div class="mi_pane"></div>
<div class="mi_pane"></div>
Mi_Thumb CSS basic styles
There are two styles you need to control the sizes of the slideshow.
/* main image display - to make responsive use percentage sizes */
.mi_thumb {width:95%; max-width:1200px; position:relative; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); -ms-user-select: none; margin:50px auto; background:#000;}
/* set up the aspect ratio of the main images - width:100% - height:0 - padding-bottom as percentage of width - in this example it is 2:1 */
.mi_thumb .mi_wrap {display:block; position:relative; left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:0; padding-bottom:50%; overflow:hidden;}
You will also need to style the background images for your slides. For example:
.mi_thumb .mi_cont .mi_pane:nth-of-type(1) {background-image:url(path/to/background-image-1.jpg);}
.mi_thumb .mi_cont .mi_pane:nth-of-type(2) {background-image:url(path/to/background-image-2.jpg);}
.mi_thumb .mi_cont .mi_pane:nth-of-type(3) {background-image:url(path/to/background-image-3.jpg);}
Initialize Mi_Thumb
Lastly you will need to set up the parameters of Mi_Thumb by adding the following jQuery script which should be placed at the end of your HTML code, just before the closing body tag.
For example the following code sets up the parameters of the FIRST slideshow on the page $('.mi_thumb').eq(0).miThumb. The second slideshow would begin $('.mi_thumb').eq(1).miThumb.
Remember to put the comma at the end of each parameter except the last one.
$(window).load(function() {
transition: 750,
bulletsClick: true,
autorun: true,
autospeed: 10000,
loop: true
Table of available parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
swipe | boolean | false | Enable to allow touch and mouse swipe action |
transition | number | 500 | Transition between slides in ms |
gap | number | 0 | Gap between large images in px |
bullets | boolean | false | Enable to show bullets on slideshow. Bullet size and position can be controlled using the Mi_Thumb stylesheet. |
bulletsClick | boolean | false | Enable to allow selection on image using click/tap on bullets. |
imageArrows | boolean | false | Enable to show previous and next controls on large image. The size and positon can be controlled using the Mi_Thumb stylesheet. |
autorun | boolean | false | Enable to allow the slideshow to autorun. |
autospeed | number | 0 | Time delay between slides in ms |
loop | boolean | false | Enable to allow the slideshow to 'loop' when at the last and first images. |
keyboard | boolean | false | Enable to allow control of the slideshow using the left and right keyboard keys. |
playpause | boolean | false | Enable to show a 'play/pause' control on the large image. The size and position can be controlled using the Mi_Thumb stylesheet. |
thumbs | boolean | false | Enable to show thumbnail images. The size and position can be controlled using the Mi_Thumb stylesheet. |
thumbArrows | boolean | false | Enable to show the previous and next arrows to control the thumbanil images. The size and position can be controlled using the Mi_Thumb stylesheet. |
Thumbnail images | |||
To set up the thumbnail images you will need to create an array of the images.
And the parameter would be:
Callbacks | |||
onSwipeStart : function(mi_cont) | function | Callback function, will be executed at the start of the 'swipe' action. | |
onSwipeEnd : function(mi_cont) | function | Callback function, will be executed at the end of the 'swipe' action. | |
onImageChange: function(mi_pane, current, total) | function | Callback function, will be executed when the slide has changed. Receives the slide, index number and number of slides | |
onImageClick: function(mi_pane, current, total) | function | Callback function, will be executed when the slide is clicked/tapped. Receives the slide, index number and number of slides |